Just Empty Every Pocket

JEEP - always a never ending project, no matter how built it gets.

Dedicated to my current jeep project, Red Beard, a 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ. Nothing too crazy this go 'round, just an all around capable, get me out there with enough to get me back, type of rig. Keep watch for updates and changes!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Not done yet...

After driving around in my jeep with the new bumper on it for about a week now,
I decided the bumper needed some attention. 
I love the functionality and look of the bumper, 
but the ends just kept screaming, "UNFINISHED!", at me.
So I went to work today to remedy the situation.

The passenger side of the bumper is easy as pie.
Just fit and weld the previously cut of end plate back in its rightful place.
The driver's side requires more work. 
In order for the plate to fit, there needs to be some grinding done to it.
There are a 3 bolts that holds the steering box in place, 
one of which, sits smack dab where the edge of the side plate runs.
I tried, very successfully I might add, to just cut the area out where the bolt would hit,
and it would have worked if the bumper didn't slide onto the front of the jeep's frame.
Without cutting a complete pathway through the side plate, 
so the bumper to slide back towards the jeep,
there would be no way to slide the bumper on. 
It will not slide on sideways, so the side plate would not fit around the problem bolt.
In the end I had to cut off more than I would have liked, 
but it will still add a lot of rigidity and strength to the bumper.
Not to mention it will give the bumper the much needed finished appearance I want.

the before shot:
(notice the plate in the picture is actually the passenger side)
(I forgot to take pictures before I started cutting, whoops)

As you can see in the picture above, 
the bolt sits right in the side plate's way.
You also can't tell, but in this picture, 
the side plate is a good inch away from sitting flush against the bumper.
The bolt was that much in the way.

the after shot:

As you can see in this picture above, 
the bolt is no longer an issue 
and it will definitely give the bumper a cleaner,
much more finished look.

Now it just needs to be welded, 
cleaned up, painted and bolted back on.

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